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3 Month Coaching Package

Save $50 with this option.

Financial success is not just about goals, it’s about creating healthy processes and practices. For that reason I offer in depth financial coaching options.

One-on-One Financial Coaching – 3 Months

The 3 month coaching option consists of 6 sessions (Two per month):

Session 1: Intake & Spending Habits & Budget Creation (60 minutes)

Explore of your short and long term financial goals
Create a customized achievable process plan to accomplish them.
A close examination and conversation about your relationship with money and how it impacts your day to day decisions and overall financial picture.
Identify and discuss your strengths and weaknesses in regards to money management.
Develop a realistic strategies to combat the above findings.
Work together to create a budget that works for you.
Create a your debt repayment plan and strategy if applicable.

Session 2: Create your debt repayment plan if necessary & Credit Repair/ Rebuilding

Review results of spending habits assessment
A detailed analysis of your current credit situation and goals
Steps and tools (includes letter templates and schedule) to dispute negative information on your credit report
A written credit rebuilding plan for establishing positive credit with the goal of getting credit back on track

Session 3: Closing Session (60 minutes) includes:

Review of goals that were established during the initial session
Discussion of your progress
Recalibration of goals if necessary
Creation of a plan for maintaining momentum to achieve your long term goals

Laser Coaching

During our laser coaching session you and I will focus intensively on a specific bite-sized issue pertaining to your finances and create a practical plan of action.